Wednesday, 15 July 2009

5 gum flavours Cobalt Elixir Electro Pulse Zing Solstice Flare

5-gum-flavours-Cobalt-Elixir-Electro-Pulse-Zing-Solstice-Flare5 gum flavours Cobalt Elixir Electro Pulse Zing Solstice Flare by wrigley's, brand new gum for the uk, just been out a few weeks, seeing it advertised on tv, so what are the flavours of the new 5 gum?.

Cobalt which comes in the blue packet is a peppermint flavour 5 gum.
Elixir which comes in the Pink packet is a Berry flavour 5 gum.
Electro which comes in the green packet is a spearmint flavour 5 gum.
Pulse which comes in the yellow packet is a tropical flavour of 5 gum.
Zing which comes in the light pink packet is a sour to sweet bubble flavour of 5 gum.
Solstice which comes in the teal packet is a warm and cool winter flavour of 5 gum.
Flare which comes in the red packet is a cinnamon flavour of 5 gum.

so some real interesting flavours here for this new wrigley's chewing gum called 5 gum, some strange flavours shall we say as well.

but it will be interesting to give them a try and see what they taste like anyway, they look different to regular gums and i think that is what wrigley's is aiming at with this new product.

and the flavours of 5 gum look different to most regular 5 gum flavours so will be interesting to see how this 5 gum takes off, wrigley's also produce the extra brand of mint's as well, like extra ice for example.

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