this is a really interesting list of Dog Fanciers acronyms and abbreviations slang terms you see used by dog fanciers.
for starters what is a acronym?
acronym = an abbreviation pronounced as a series of constituent letters, e.g., SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome
so here is a list of acronyms as they apply and are used by dog fanciers.
basically a Dog Fanciers is one who has an unusual fancy for, or interest in, dogs; also, one who deals in dogs.
i don't think it is possible for someone to really memorise all of these acronyms though.
AAC - Agility Association of Canada
AKC - American Kennel Club
CKC - Canadian Kennel Club
NADAC - North American Dog Agility Council
UKC - United Kennel Club (USA)
USDAA - United States Dog Agility Association
FD - Flyball Dog
FDX - Flyball Dog Excellent
FDCh - Flyball Dog Champion
FM - Flyball Master
FMX - Flyball Master Excellent
FMCh - Flyball Master Champion
ONYX - Award (named after first recipient) based on points earned
FGDCh - Flyball Grand Champion
AX - Agility Excellent (AKC)
MX - Master Agility Excellent (AKC)
NA - Novice Agility (AKC)
OA - Open Agility (AKC)
U-AGI - Agility I (UKC)
U-AGII - Agility II (UKC)
AD - Agility Dog (USDAA)
VAD - Veteran Agility Dog (USDAA)
AAD - Advanced Agility Dog (USDAA)
MAD - Master Agility Dog (USDAA)
SM - Snooker Master (USDAA)
GM - Gambler Master (USDAA)
PM - Pairs Master (USDAA)
JM - Jumpers Master (USDAA)
ADCH - Agility Dog Champion (USDAA)
ADC - Agility Dog of Canada (AAC)
AADC - Advanced Agility Dog of Canada (AAC)
MADC - Master Agility Dog of Canada (AAC)
NAC, NAC-V, NAC-JH - Novice Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
OAC, OAC-V, OAC-JH - Open Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
EAC, EAC-V, EAC-JH - Elite Standard, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
NGC, NGC-V, NCG-JH - Novice, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
OGC, OGC-V, OCG-JH - Open, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
EGC, EGC-V, ECG-JH - Elite, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
NJC, NJC-V, NJC-JH - Novice Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
OJC, OJC-V, OJC-JH - Open Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
EJC, EJC-V, EJC-JH - Elite Jumpers, Veterans, Junior Handler (NADAC)
NATCh - Agility Trial Champion (NADAC)
CD - Companion Dog (AKC, CKC)
CDX - Companion Dog Excellent (AKC, CKC)
CT - Champion Tracker (a dog with a TD, TDX and VST) (AKC)
OTCh - Obedience Trial Champion (prefix) (AKC, CKC)
TD - Tracking Dog (AKC, CKC)
TDX - Tracking Dog Excellent (AKC, CKC)
U-CD - Companion Dog (prefix) (UKC)
U-CDX - Companion Dog Excellent (prefix) (UKC)
U-UD - Utility Dog (prefix) (UKC)
UD - Utility Dog (AKC, CKC)
UDT - Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog title (AKC)
UDTX - Utility Dog title with a Tracking Dog Excellent title (AKC)
UDX - Utility Dog Excellent (AKC)
UDVST - Utility Dog title with a Variable Surface Tracking title (AKC)
VST - Variable Surface Tracking (AKC)
HCH - Herding Champion (prefix)
HI - Herding Intermediate
HS - Herding Started
HT - Herding Tested
HX - Herding Excellent
PT - Pre-trial Tested
HCT - Herding Capable Tested
HTD1 - Herding Trial Dog, first level
HTD2 - Herding Trial Dog, second level
HTD3 - Herding Trial Dog, third level
JHD - Junior Herd Dog
ATD - Advanced Trial Dog
OTD - Open Trial Dog
RD - Ranch Dog
STD - Started Trial Dog
WTCH - Working Trial Champion (prefix)
AFC - Amateur field champion, (prefix)
CFC - Canadian field champion, (prefix)
CAFC - Canadian amateur field champion, (prefix)
FC - Field champion, (prefix)
FD - Field Dog (pointing, CKC)
FDJ - Field Dog Junior (pointing, CKC)
FDX - Field Dog Excellent (pointing, CKC)
JE - Junior Earthdog (AKC)
ME - Master Earthdog (AKC)
SE - Senior Earthdog (AKC)
F.Ch. - Field Champion
LCM - Lure Courser of Merit
LCM2 - Lure Courser of Merit 2
JC - Junior Courser (suffix)
SC - Senior Courser (suffix)
F.Ch. - Field Champion (prefix)
CC - Coursing Champion
CM - Courser of Merit
NACC - NACA Coursing Champion
NACM - NACA Courser of Merit
GMHR - Grand Master Hunting Retriever (NAHRA)
JH - Junior Hunter (AKC)
SH - Senior Hunter (AKC)
SR - Started Retriever (NAHRA)
MH - Master Hunter (AKC)
MHR - Master Hunting Retriever (NAHRA)
WR - Working Retriever (NAHRA)
WAC - Working Aptitude Certificate (Doberman Pincher Club of America)
WC - Working Certificate (various breed clubs, differs)
WCI - Working Certificate Intermediate (various breed clubs, differs)
WCX - Working Certificate Excellent (various breed clubs, differs)
WD - Working dog (American Chesapeake Club, ACC)
WDX - Working dog excellent (ACC)
WDQ - working dog qualified (ACC)
WD - Water dog (Newfoundland Club of America, NCA)
WRD - Water rescue dog (NCA)
DD - Draft dog (NCA)
TDD - Team draft dog (NCA)
VN - Versatile Newfoundland (NCA)
SD - Started Dog (American Water Spaniel Club -- AWSC)
WD - Working Dog (AWSC)
WDX - Working Dog Excellent (AWSC)
WDS - Working Dog Superior
JWD - Junior Working Dog (American Water Spaniel Field Assoc. -- AWSFA)
SWD - Senior Working Dog (AWSFA)
MWD - Master Working Dog (AWSFA)
CG - Certificate of Gameness (American Working Terrier Assn)
CGC - Canine Good Citizen Certificate
CH - Champion (prefix)
HIC - Herding Instinct Certified
TD - Therapy Dog
TDI - Therapy Dog International
TT - Temperment Tested by ATTS (or other official organizations)
BC - Border Collie
CBR - Chesapeake Bay Retriever
CCR - Curly-coated Retriever
FCR - Flat-coated Retriever
GD - Great Dane
GR - Golden Retriever
GSD - German Shepherd Dog
GSP - German Shorthaired Pointer
GWP - German Wirehaired Pointer
LR - Labrador Retriever
OES - Old English Sheepdog
PBGV - Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
PWC - Pembroke Welsh Corgi
ACVO - American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists
BJ - Broad Jump or Bar Jump (context)
CERF - Canine Eye Registry Foundation
DJ - Directed Jumping
DOR - Drop on Recall
F8 - Figure Eight
HD - Hip Displasia (sometimes CHD)
ILP - AKC Indefinite Listing Privilege for unpapered purebreds
LP - UKC's Listing Privilege for unpapered purebreds/mixed breeds
OFA - Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
ROF - Retrieve on the Flat
ROH - Retrieve over the High Jump
ROM - Register of Merit
Conversational acronyms
BTW - By The Way
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
IMHO - In My Honest Opinion
LOL - Laughing out Loud
OTOH - On The Other Hand
ROTF - Rolling on the Floor (amusement)
Thursday, 14 July 2011
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