Sunday, 30 May 2010

what is the new game on facebook? farmville

of course people know about the mafia wars game on facebook, which is probably the most popular game on facebook, but any new games, there is a new medieval war style strategy game on facebook called, i cannot find the advert for the game now though, so i am a bit stuck, i will have to do this review later.

so another recent and popular new game on facebook is called farmville, and looking at the farmville page on facebook this new facebook game is very popular with 24,179,518 fans that's 24 million fans now that is a popular facebook game.

i think you can also play farmville game online but not on facebook, but i think this would take away the reason for facebook games and friends.

so i am thinking this new facebook game must be pretty good, i have not played farmville though myself.


farmville game


what is new facebook


make the perfect facebook farm digital fruits and veg?


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