Monday, 2 August 2010

way to surf the internet? blackberry phones? facebook?

while out and about i see more and more people using blackberry mobile phones to surf the internet, to the point where a lot of people will probably start to move away from the home computer and just lay back or sit down and use there blackberry mobile phone instead.

you see a lot of people conversing with each other and swapping there facebook details with there blackberry phone when out and about and in places like on holiday.

seems to be the new trend that people are more and more socialising via mobile phones, one i have seen the most at the moment is the blackberry mobile phone being used the most.

people will swap or log in there and then and become friends through facebook, this is good for people to meet up and not lose contact, also when looking for dates and friends it is no good if you lose contact after just meeting for the night.

so this is a positive trend in that regard that friends can be made and keep in contact with each other through there blackberry mobile phones and other mobile phones, where they become friends on the facebook friends site.

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