Friday, 27 August 2010

what is the new iphone 5 going to look like?

what is the new iphone going to look like? when it comes to the new iphone 5 that is said to be released in july 2011, it is probably going to look like the previous iphones just more sleeker.

if you notice each time a new iphone is released it is a bit smaller or a bit thinner, and also has darker more pronounced colours, and they do seem to sometimes get a shinier finish, as the years roll buy and technology improves.

we won't have long to wait for the iphone 5 if the rumours are to be believed with its launch date rumoured for iphone 5 july 2011.

this new iphone 5 will be specifically made for the 4g network and probably be the best mobile out at the time, as the iphones do seem to be usually technically the best mobiles about.

but as for looks the new iphone 5 will probably look similar to these pictures just a little sleeker and more polished, but of course with a lot more features and better technology.

new look iphone 5


what is the new iphone 5 look like?


iphone 5?


new iphone 5 2011?


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